

In Ireland, the climate is mild. For example, in Dublin (you can see it on the map) the average temperature in Janury is 4°C, while the average temperature for July is 15.5°C That's only a range of about 11°C!
As you can see on the map, Ireland is rather mountainous. That is because two mountain systems meet in Ireland. The older one is Caledonian, and the younger one is called Armorican. The Caledonian goes through Mayo and Galway, and the Armorican goes through southern Ireland. In the center of Ireland is a lowland, that is open to the Irish sea.

♣Natural Resources♣

Some of the natural resources of Ireland include natural gas, zinc, silver, and copper. Farming is also a large resource. The population of cows in Ireland is 6.41 million. There are also 4.81m sheep, 1.76m pigs, and 11.3m chickens. And another thing is fishing. Ireland is an island, and it also has almost 14,000 km of rivers that have fish, making fishing another resource of this land.

Economy and Major Industries♠

Ireland has a modern economy Only 8% of the workforce of Ireland is now in agriculture, which would include from raising cows to growing potatoes. The industries, however, employ about 30% of the workforce, and 80% of the exports. This includes, but is not only, machinary, clothing, food, beer, and computer hardware.


In the early food of Ireland, honey seems to have been quite common. Main meats eaten were sheep, pigs, and cattle. Also known as mutton, pork, and beef. Yummy! A few other common meats were poultry, wild geese, fish, and shellfish. And even more early Irish foods are native berries and nuts, icluding the hazel nut. In the later half of the 16th century, the potato arrived.

The potato arrived in the 16th century I bet you already knew that! Anyways, it eventually became the main food crop of the poor. It provides lots of energy and is also a source of vitamin C! Like an orange! At the time, he main diet of the people was potatoes supplemented with buttermlk. But this dependance on potatoes meant that the irish were very vulnerable to poor potato harvests.

In the 20th century, the food in Ireland became like western culture's food. This means foods like curry and pizza, and also causes more health problems, like obesity.

♠Government and Schooling♠

Ireland is a republic, known as the Republic of Ireland. Yay! I bet you couldn't guess that name! Well actually i don't, because it is a little obvious. Just a little. I should probably get back on topic now. The government of Ireland is headed by a prime minister and a deputy prime minister. The head of the state is the president. I don't really understand the rest of the stuff that it says on the government.:'(

The school system of Ireland is alot like the school system in most western cultures. There are three levels: Primary, Secondary, and a higher level also known as the third level. From ages 6-16, school is compulsary.(i think that's a funny word:D) Or,they have to attend school for three levels of second level education, and take the Junior Certificate at least once.


<-The Irish Flag. I should of put this somewhere a long time ago.

Singing is a popular passtime in Ireland. Traditional Celtic music is important to the culture of Ireland. Some traditional musical instruments are the button accordian, the fiddle, and the tin whistle. Another symbol of Irish culture is dancing. Irish dancing uses the legs and feet, while the arms are held stiffly at the sides.

♥Where I would rather live and why♥

(choice between Ireland and North Korea)

I think that I would rather live in Ireland, because it seems to just be better in general than North Korea, and more peaceful.


Websites used in the making of this one (information)


